JTwain v9 - Lab Asprise! All Rights Reserved.

Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidStateException
com.asprise.util.jtwain Main package; contains essential classes to perform image acquisition. 
com.asprise.util.jtwain.lowlevel Low-level APIs for advanced development of TWAIN applications. 

Uses of InvalidStateException in com.asprise.util.jtwain

Methods in com.asprise.util.jtwain that throw InvalidStateException
 int Source.getTransferCount()
          Get the number of images to be transferred in this session.
 int Source.getCurrentTransferCount()
          Get the number of images to be transferred in this session [Current value].
 int Source.getDefaultTransferCount()
          Get the number of images to be transferred in this session [Default value].
 int Source.resetTransferCount()
          Reset the number of images to be transferred in this session.
 void Source.setTransferCount(int count)
          Set the number of images to be transferred in this session.
 int[] Source.getSupportedCapabilities()
          Get a list of all supported capabilities.
 String[] Source.getSupportedCapabilitiesStrings()
          Get a human readable list of all supported capabilities.
 boolean Source.getUIControllable()
          Check whether the source supports acquisition with the UI disabled.
 int[] Source.getCompression()
          Common compression schemes shared by both the source and the application for Buffered Memory and File Transfer.
 int Source.getCurrentCompression()
          Get current common compression schemes shared by both the source and the application for Buffered Memory and File Transfer [Current value].
 int Source.getDefaultCompression()
          Get default common compression scheme shared by both the source and the application for Buffered Memory and File Transfer [Default value].
 void Source.setCompression(int compression)
          Sets the compression [Not all compressions may be supported by the device!].
 int[] Source.getPlanarChunky()
          Get all available color data formats.
 int Source.getCurrentPlanarChunky()
          Get current color data format [Current value].
 int Source.getDefaultPlanarChunky()
          Get the default color format [Default value].
 double Source.getPhysicalHeight()
          Get the maximum physical height (Y-axis) the source can acquire measured in the unit of ICAP_UNITS.
 double Source.getCurrentPhysicalHeight()
          Get the maximum physical height (Y-axis) the source can acquire measured in the unit of ICAP_UNITS [Current value].
 double Source.getDefaultPhysicalHeight()
          Get the maximum physical height (Y-axis) the source can acquire measured in the unit of ICAP_UNITS [Default value].
 double Source.getPhyscialWidth()
          Get the maximum physical width (Y-axis) the source can acquire measured in the unit of ICAP_UNITS.
 double Source.getCurrentPhyscialWidth()
          Get the maximum physical width (Y-axis) the source can acquire measured in the unit of ICAP_UNITS [Current value].
 double Source.getDefaultPhyscialWidth()
          Get the maximum physical width (Y-axis) the source can acquire measured in the unit of ICAP_UNITS [Default value].
 int[] Source.getPixelFlavor()
          Get the pixel flavors - sense of the pixel whose numeric value is zero.
 int Source.getCurrentPixelFlavor()
          Get the current pixel flavor - sense of the pixel whose numeric value is zero.
 int Source.getDefaulttPixelFlavor()
          Get the default pixel flavor - sense of the pixel whose numeric value is zero.
 int[] Source.getBitDepth()
          Get the bit depth values of ICAP_PIXELTYPE.
 int Source.getCurrentBitDepth()
          Get the current bit depth value of ICAP_PIXELTYPE.
 int Source.getDefaultBitDepth()
          Get the default bit depth value of ICAP_PIXELTYPE.
 void Source.resetBitDepth()
          Reset the bit depth value of ICAP_PIXELTYPE.
 void Source.setBitDepth(int bitDepth)
          Set the bit depth value of ICAP_PIXELTYPE.
 int[] Source.getBitOrder()
          Get the bit orders (how the bytes in an image are filled by the Source).
 int Source.getCurrentBitOrder()
          Get the current bit orders (how the bytes in an image are filled by the Source).
 int Source.getDefaultBitOrder()
          Get the default bit orders (how the bytes in an image are filled by the Source).
 void Source.resetBitOrder()
          Reset the current bit orders (how the bytes in an image are filled by the Source).
 void Source.setBitOrder(int bitOrder)
          Set the current bit orders (how the bytes in an image are filled by the Source).
 int[] Source.getPixelType()
          Get types of pixel data that a source is capable of acquiring.
 int Source.getCurrentPixelType()
          Get current type of pixel data that a source is capable of acquiring.
 int Source.getDefaultPixelType()
          Get default type of pixel data that a source is capable of acquiring.
 void Source.resetPixelType()
          Reset the type of pixel data that a source is capable of acquiring.
 void Source.setPixelType(int pixelType)
          Set the type of pixel data that a source is capable of acquiring.
 int[] Source.getUnits()
          Get the units of measure for all quantities.
 int[] Source.getCurrentUnits()
          Get the current unit of measure for all quantities.
 int[] Source.getDefaultUnits()
          Get the default unit of measure for all quantities.
 void Source.resetUnits()
          Reset the unit of measure for all quantities.
 void Source.setUnits(int unitCode)
          Set the unit of measure for all quantities.
 int[] Source.getTransferMechanism()
          Get transfer mechanisms supported by both the application and the source.
 int Source.getCurrentTransferMechanism()
          Get the current transfer mechanism.
 int Source.getDefaultTransferMechanism()
          Get the default transfer mechanism.
 void Source.resetTransferMechanism()
          Reset the transfer mechanism.
 void Source.setTransferMechanims(int transferMechanism)
          Set the default transfer mechanism.
 double[] Source.getXResolution()
          Get all the X-axis resolutions that the source can provide, measured in ICAP_UNITS.
 double Source.getCurrentXResolution()
          Get the current X-axis resolution, measured in ICAP_UNITS.
 double Source.getDefaultXResolution()
          Get the default X-axis resolution, measured in ICAP_UNITS.
 void Source.resetXResolution()
          Reset the X-axis resolution.
 void Source.setXResolution(double xresolution)
          Set the X-axis resolution.
 double[] Source.getYResolution()
          Get all the Y-axis resolutions that the source can provide, measured in ICAP_UNITS.
 double Source.getCurrentYResolution()
          Get the current Y-axis resolution, measured in ICAP_UNITS.
 double Source.getDefaultYResolution()
          Get the default Y-axis resolution, measured in ICAP_UNITS.
 void Source.resetYResolution()
          Reset the Y-axis resolution.
 void Source.setYResolution(double Yresolution)
          Set the Y-axis resolution.
 boolean[] Source.getAutoFeed()
          Get AutoFeed abilities.
 boolean Source.getCurrentAutoFeed()
          Get current AutoFeed status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultAutoFeed()
          Get default AutoFeed status.
 void Source.resetAutoFeed()
          Reset auto feed option.
 void Source.setAutoFeed(boolean autoFeed)
          Set auto feed option.
 boolean Source.getFeederEnabled()
          Get feeder enabled status.
 boolean Source.getCurrentFeederEnabled()
          Get current feeder enabled status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultFeederEnabled()
          Get default feeder enabled status.
 void Source.setFeederEnabled(boolean feederEnabled)
          Set feeder enabled.
 boolean Source.getFeederLoaded()
          Get feeder loaded status.
 boolean Source.getCurrentFeederLoaded()
          Get current feeder loaded status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultFeederLoaded()
          Get default feeder loaded status.
 boolean Source.getClearPage()
          Get clear page status.
 boolean Source.getCurrentClearPage()
          Get current clear page status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultClearPage()
          Get default clear page status.
 void Source.resetClearPage()
          Reset clear page option.
 void Source.setClearPage(boolean clearPage)
          Set clear page option.
 boolean Source.getRewindPage()
          Get rewind page status.
 boolean Source.getCurrentRewindPage()
          Get current rewind page status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultRewindPage()
          Get default rewind page status.
 void Source.resetRewindPage()
          Reset rewind page option.
 void Source.setRewindPage(boolean rewindPage)
          Set rewind page option.
 boolean Source.getFeedPage()
          Get feed page status.
 boolean Source.getCurrentFeedPage()
          Get current feed page status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultFeedPage()
          Get default feed page status.
 void Source.resetFeedPage()
          Reset feed page option.
 void Source.setFeedPage(boolean feedPage)
          Set feed page option.
 int[] Source.getAlarms()
          Get available alarms.
 void Source.setAlarms(int[] alarms)
          Set alarms.
 int[] Source.getAlarmVolume()
          Get alarm volumes.
 int Source.getCurrentAlarmVolume()
          Get current alarm volume.
 boolean Source.getAutomaticBorderDetection()
          Get automatic border detection status.
 boolean Source.getCurrentAutomaticBorderDetection()
          Get current automatic border detection status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultAutomaticBorderDetection()
          Get default automatic border detection status.
 void Source.setAutomaticBorderDetection(boolean enabled)
          Set automatic border detection operation.
 void Source.resetAutomaticBorderDetection()
          Reset automatic border detection operation.
 boolean Source.getAutomaticDeskew()
          Get automatic deskew status.
 boolean Source.getCurrentAutomaticDeskew()
          Get current automatic deskew status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultAutomaticDeskew()
          Get default automatic deskew status.
 void Source.setAutomaticDeskew(boolean enabled)
          Set automatic rotate operation.
 void Source.resetAutomaticDeskew()
          Reset automatic rotate operation.
 boolean Source.getAutomaticRotate()
          Get automatic rotate status.
 boolean Source.getCurrentAutomaticRotate()
          Get current automatic rotate status.
 boolean Source.getDefaultAutomaticRotate()
          Get default automatic rotate status.
 void Source.setAutomaticRotate(boolean enabled)
          Set automatic rotate operation.
 void Source.resetAutomaticRotate()
          Reset automatic rotate operation.
 int Source.getFlipRotation()
          Get flip rotation option.
 int Source.getCurrentFlipRotation()
          Get current flip rotation option.
 int Source.getDefaultFlipRotation()
          Get default flip rotation option.
 void Source.setFlipRotation(int flipRotation)
          Set flip rotation option.
 void Source.resetFlipRotation()
          Reset flip rotation option.
 int Source.getAutomaticCapture()
          Get number of images to automatically capture.
 int Source.getCurrentAutomaticCapture()
          Get current number of images to automatically capture.
 int Source.getDefaultAutomaticCapture()
          Get default number of images to automatically capture.
 void Source.setAutomaticCapture(int numberOfImages)
          Set number of images to automatically capture.
 void Source.resetAutomaticCapture(int numberOfImages)
          Reet number of images to automatically capture.
 boolean Source.getAutoScan()
          Get status of auto scan.
 void Source.setAutoScan(boolean autoScan)
          Set status of auto scan.
 boolean Source.getBarCodeDetectionEnabled()
          Get status of bar code detection.
 void Source.setBarCodeDetectionEnabled(boolean enableBarCodeDetection)
          Set status of bar code detection.
 int[] Source.getExtendedCapabilities()
          Get a list of extended capabilities that can be used in States 5 and 6.
 String[] Source.getExtendedCapabilitiessStrings()
          Get a human readable list of extended capabilities.
 void Source.setExtendedCapabilities(int[] extendedCaps)
          Set a list of extended capabilities that can be used in States 5 and 6.
 double Source.getGamma()
          Get gamma correction value for image data.
 void Source.setGamma(double gamma)
          Set gamma correction value for image data.
 boolean Source.getDeviceOnline()
          Determines if hardware in on and ready.
 String Source.getDeviceDateTime()
          Get the date and time of a device's clock.
 String Source.getAuthor()
          Get author of acquired image (may include a copyright string).
 void Source.setAuthor(String author)
          Set author of acquired image (may include a copyright string).
 String Source.getCaption()
          Get a general note about the acquired image.
 void Source.setCaption(String caption)
          Set a general note about the acquired image.
 void Source.setPrinterString(String string)
          Sets the string component.
 String Source.getPrinterString()
          Returns the printer string.
 boolean Source.getAutoBright()
          Get status of the source's auto-brightness function.
 void Source.setAutoBright(boolean enableAutoBright)
          Turn on or off the source's auto-brightness function.
 boolean Source.getIndicators()
          Use the Source's progress indicator?
 void Source.setIndicators(boolean useProgressIndicator)
          Turn on/off the Source's progress indicator.
 int Source.getClearBuffers()
          Reports the presence of data in the scanner’s buffers.
 void Source.setClearBuffers(int option)
          Clears the buffers?
 int[] Source.getMaxBatchBuffers()
          Describes the number of pages that the scanner can buffer when CAP_AUTOSCAN is enabled.
 void Source.setMaxBatchBuffers(int size)
          Sets the current number pages to be buffered (if the Source allows this to be set) DG_CONTROL / DAT_CAPABILITY / MSG_SET -> CAP_MAXBATCHBUFFERS
 double[] Source.getBrightness()
          The brightness values available within the Source.
 void Source.setBrightness(double[] values)
          Sets brightness values.
 double[] Source.getContrast()
          The contrast values available within the Source.
 void Source.setContrast(double[] values)
          Sets constrast values.
 int[] Source.getPrinter()
          Returns the current list of printer devices.
 void Source.setPrinter(int printer)
          Selects the current printer.
 boolean Source.getPrinterEnabled()
          Current printer device on/off?
 void Source.setPrinterEnabled(boolean enable)
          Turns current printer device on/off.
 int Source.getPrinterMode()
          Returns the device mode of the current printer.
 double[][] Source.getFrames()
          Returns the size and location of all the frames the Source will acquire image data from when acquiring from each page.
 double[] Source.getCurrentFrame()
          Returns the size and location of the next frame to be acquired.
 void Source.setFrames(double[][] multipleFrames)
          Specifies the frames and their locations to be used to acquire from future pages.
 void Source.setFrames(double[] singleFrame)
          Specifies the single frame and its location to be used to acquire from future pages.
 int Source.getMaxFrames()
          Gets the maximum number of frames the Source can provide or the application can accept per page.
 void Source.setMaxFrames(int max)
          Sets the maximum number of frames the Source can provide or the application can accept per page.
 int[] Source.getSupportedSizes()
          Gets the size(s) the Source can/should use to acquire image data.
 void Source.setSupportedSizes(int[] sizes)
          Sets the size(s) the Source can/should use to acquire image data.
 boolean Source.getPatchCodeDetectionEnabled()
          Gets the status of patch code detection.
 void Source.setPatchCodeDetectionEnabled(boolean enable)
          Turns patch code detection on and off.
 void Source.setDuplexEnabled(boolean enable)
          Enables/Disables duplex.
 boolean Source.getDuplexEnabled()
          Get duplex status.
 int Source.getDuplex()
          Gets the duplex mode supported by the scanner.
 Object Source.getCapability(int mesgType, int capabilityCode, int expectedContainerType)
          Get a capability.
 void Source.resetCapability(int capabilityCode)
          Reset a capability.
 void Source.setCapability(int capabilityCode, ValueContainer container)
          Set a capability.

Uses of InvalidStateException in com.asprise.util.jtwain.lowlevel

Methods in com.asprise.util.jtwain.lowlevel that throw InvalidStateException
static void Control.assertState(Source source, int requiredState)
          Asserts the current state is the required one.
static void Control.assertStateAtLeast(Source source, int requiredStateAtLeast)
          Asserts the current state is the required state or above it.

JTwain v9 - Lab Asprise! All Rights Reserved.