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AspriseOCR Methods

» Asprise OCR Home · Developer's Guide

The AspriseOCR type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberaddToSystemPath
Adds the given directory to the PATH variable.
Public methodStatic memberdictToString
Public methodStatic memberGetLibraryVersion
The library version.
Public methodStatic membergetOcrDllName
The simple name of the ocr dll file.
Public methodStatic memberInputLicense
Input the license code
Public methodStatic memberisEmpty
return true if the given string is null or of lenght 0.
Public methodStatic memberListSupportedLangs
Call this after setup is done; returns list of langs separated by ','
Public methodStatic memberloadDll
Finds the OCR dll in system path or from bundle and return the path to the dll.
Public methodRecognize(IList<Bitmap>, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String,Object[])
Performs OCR on the given input bitmaps.
Public methodRecognize(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String,Object[])
Performs OCR on the given input files.
Public methodStatic membersaveAocrXslTo
save the aocr.xsl to the specified directory
Public methodStatic memberSetUp
Performs one-time setup; does nothing if setup has already been done.
Public methodStartEngine
Starts the OCR engine; does nothing if the engine has already been started.
Public methodStopEngine
Stops the OCR engine; does nothing if it has already been stopped.
See Also