Java, C# VB.NET, Python & C/C++ OCR and Barcode Recognition

High performance, royalty-free Java, C# VB.NET, Python & C/C++ OCR and barcode recognition on Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Unix

Fixing Library Link Error

    For Windows

    The most common cause of unsatisfied link error is that at least one dependent DLL is missing. To check for missing dependent DLLs, you can use Dependency Walker. If you have Visual Studio installed, you should have it on your machine already. If not, you can download it here:

    For 32 Bit Applications (Mirror) | For 64 Bit Applications (Mirror)

    Then follow the below steps:

    1. Launch Dependency Walker by double clicking the depends.exe file;
    2. Click on the Open icon or press Ctrl+O and browse the target DLL;
    3. Dependency Walker will then load the DLL and displays its dependent DLLs;
    4. DLLs highlighted with a question mark in a yellow circle are missing; those with exclamation in red are invalid;
    5. Download (Google search: 'NAME dll windows VERSION', e.g., 'ws2 dll windows 7') and install the missing or invalid DLLs and re-open the DLL with Dependency Walker to verify.

    Need further assistance? Please email the screenshot of Dependency Walker window along with the error messages to

    For Linux

    The most common cause of linking error is that the libstdc++ library on the target system is outdated. The typical error message is as follows: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by

    The error message indicates that it requires libstdc++ version 6.0.14 or higher. To check your libstdc++ version, you use:

    ls -l  /usr/lib/ # /usr/lib/ -> # You have version 6.0.13

    To fix this problem, you have two options:

    Option 1: Download a new version of libstdc++ just for this application

    1. Download version 6.0.16 64-bit | 32-bit
    2. Let's say if you save the downloaded to folder /home/PATH, you can run aocr.jar using:
    3. $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/PATH; java -jar aocr.jar

    Option 2: System-wide upgrade

    Please google using keywords: 'upgrade libstdc++ YOUR_LINUX_DISTRIBUTION'

    For Other OS

    Please email the screen output and/or any exception trace to We'll get back to you as soon as we can (95% of inquiries are replied within one business day).

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